"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny" ~ C.S. Lewis
Keynote, Motivational, and Workshop Speaker Presentations
R. Glenn Kelly's powerful message in From The Ashes To Inspiration instills into those who have been through the fire that what remains is TRUTH. The All Consuming Fire burns away all that is false, such as an unhealthy ego, contempt, and suspicion of others. For many who have experienced the blaze, R. Glenn is the prime example of how coming out of the fire can be an amazing point of transition for the soul. It is this point when inspiration can join with compassion and spirit to provide the once downtrodden and disheartened with a life of peace and purpose.
To engage R. Glenn Kelly for Keynote or Guest Speaker, or Workshop Presenter in your next conference, contact him directly at rglennkelly@rglennkelly.com or at 1-800-644-0218.
If you would like to book a call with R. Glenn for a future time,
simply click the Book Now button and pick your date and time!
R. Glenn's Journey Through the Fire
In his lifetime, R. Glenn's has been through the fire. He experienced an unfaithful spouse and an unwanted divorce early in life. He would remarry and witness the glorious birth of his son and only child, yet devastated when informed his newborn had a rare and often terminal congenital heart defect. This would necessitate numerous open-heart surgeries and living in and out of medical facilities for months at a time throughout the first several years of his child's life. R. Glenn would soon lose his dear and loving mother, who passed away unexpectedly from an diagnosed condition while still at a very young age. Then, in what seemed like the blink of an eye, a very nasty and aggressive cancer would take his hero, mentor, and father. It would only be a short time after that when the frail heart of R. Glenn's son would unexpectedly fail. Although he had been given a prognosis for full life after the earlier surgical interventions, one sad morning in June of 2013, he would take his final breath in his father's loving arms. R. Glenn has been through the fire!
Throughout his life, R. Glenn has served as a U.S. Marine, Police Officer, Federal Agent and successful Business Executive. Today, he remains the proud Father of his late son Jonathan Taylor Kelly.
R. Glenn Today
Today, R. Glenn is the published Author of several bereavement and grief support books: Sometimes I Cry in the Shower, The Griefcase, Grief Healings 365, and Grief in the Workplace. He is a sought-after Keynote Speaker for multiple non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses. R. Glenn has appeared on multiple television talk shows, in newsprint articles, and served as both co-host and subject matter expert on numerous radio programs discussing a variety of personal growth, business, and community topics. He has also contributed to many non-profit, national and international organizations with joining in webinars, streaming media presentations, and other support broadcasts. R. Glenn has also contributed dozens of written articles on grief support, as well as personal growth, to various magazines, newsletters, and internet blogs. He has presented in University Psychology classes, hospitals, churches, civic organizational gatherings, and in big businesses, such as Delta Air Lines in Atlanta, Georgia. He has served as a National Board of Directors member for multiple national bereavement support organizations, a Board of Advisers member at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, TN, where his son passed away, and collaborated with St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital for organizing internal grief conferences.
"Frankly, we were all blown away by you. You are really good; very knowledgeable. Although I know you would have rather
lived your whole life without gaining that knowledge, thank you for using your pain to help others."
Marybeth Conley, Talk Show Host, Live at 9 Program, CBS News
"R. Glenn Kelly was the guest speaker at Delta Air Lines Wrenched Hearts Spring Fly In. He was not only our
speaker but he felt like one of our members. Delta’s Wrenched Hearts will absolutely have Mr. Kelly back to speak."
Tim Moye, Founder – Wrenched Hearts, Delta Airlines Headquarters, Atlanta, Georgia
R. Glenn Kelly Keynote Presentation BPUSA National Conference Dulles, VA
Award-Winning Bereavement and Grief Healing Support Books by R. Glenn Kelly