Sometimes I Cry in the Shower


Sometimes I Cry in the Shower
In Paperback and e-Book
Paperback is 158 pages
ISBN-10: 0692483853
ISBN-13: 978-0692483855
Publisher: R. Glenn Kelly Publications, Inc.

Paperback ships directly from R. Glenn Kelly Publications, Inc., usually withing 24 hours of cleared payments and will be personally signed by R. Glenn – please use the notes section in “Checkout” for any personalized signing requests!
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Sometimes I Cry in the Shower

A Grieving Father’s Journey to Wholeness and Healing


KK Sonner
5.0 out of 5 stars So Worth the Read

Format: Paperback
This life story and the struggles that one father has endured allows the reader to see grief and know there is hope in moving forward. R.G. Kelly has shown us, through personal experience, that the loss of a child can feel like you have completely lost yourself. Yet R.G. Kelly has found a way to rediscover who he is as a person, and how to positively move forward with his grief and love of his son. I would recommend this to anyone who has experienced grief and needs to know how others cope. It makes you cry, laugh, and cry some more but in ways that a person who is grieving or has grieved needs to cry, laugh and cry some more!

5.0 out of 5 stars A book of hope and healing…5 stars!!!
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Grieving over the loss of a child is a kind of hurt that no one else can understand. Going through the emotional struggles of trying to go on with life after such a loss is a lonely journey, because after all, we are alone in our minds. Even among other parents who have lost a child, the process is still unique for each person. Particularly for a strong-minded man, this can be mentally and emotionally debilitating. In his book, “Sometimes I Cry in the Shower”, R. Glenn Kelly describes his journey toward healing after losing his son, Jonathon. It is a very personal look at the turmoil of his heart, through guilt, bitterness, bewilderment, all leading to a discovery of himself and the life that has made him who he is today. The open and honest confessions of his thoughts, feelings and actions as he describes his journey, gives the reader an inside look into his soul. R. Glenn Kelly’s words are a gift of hope to all who have lost a loved one, and a beautiful tribute to the legacy of a wonderful son. I highly recommend it to anyone who is grieving, or those who know someone that is.

Tom Donnelly
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Very moving.

5.0 out of 5 stars Insightful – enlightening — healing.
Format: Paperback
I’m having difficulty finding the right words to tell you about my reaction to this beautiful book. It has been a very long time since I have read a book that brought me to tears because I could actually feel the pain of the author — this book did. I felt like I was there with the author during Jonathan’s birth, health journey, joyful life and ultimately his death. Mr. Kelly opened his heart to the reader (me) and I felt like I was actually there with him — walking in his shoes — throughout the book. The writing was so good that his emotions became mine. It would have been easy to write this book (in particular) with gratuitous emotionalism but he didn’t — his writing is straight forward, funny, honest and transparent. Every healthcare worker in America should read this book.

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Book!!!
Format: Paperback
R.Glenn Kelly has opened up his bruised and beaten heart for all of us to see. You will cry with him, laugh with him and hurt with him. One thing you will not do is forget him. His story of love, fear, loss, devastation and, finally, hope is one that will stick with you. Even though this book is from a father to other fathers, you will find pieces of his story to identify with whether you are male or female, have lost a child or a parent, a friend or family member, or are just helplessly watching a loved one suffer through a loss. This book gives hope through the pure vulnerability the author generously shares on every page. Personally, after the death of my mother, the stories the author shared on guilt and the millions of ‘what ifs’ were a huge blessing. To hear someone else say the things I was too ashamed to say helped me know I was not alone and maybe, just maybe, not justified in the guilt I was placing on myself. It allowed me to move forward. I highly recommend this book; at the end of each chapter you will look forward to the next. I will be giving this often to anyone who needs to know there is hope beyond the pain of loss.

Deb Moore
5.0 out of 5 stars 5 STARS – Excellent Read
Format: Paperback
R. Glenn Kelly is an excellent author. In this book he shares the raw emotions of tragically losing his only son and best friend. Although he wrote this book as an outlet for his own grieving process as a father; it has excellent words of wisdom for anyone who has ever experienced the loss of a loved one. This book runs the whole gamut of emotions – sorrow, empathy, joy, love, pride, loneliness, regret… It will make you both laugh and cry over and over. It also makes you remember that every day with our loved ones should be cherished. We are never promised tomorrow. But hopefully, we have the strength in our Faith knowing that they are no longer suffering & that we will see them again some day in a better place.